Well, I've been playing for 3 days now and I decided to stay a while longer. I find the latency here... amusing. It's actually quite funny to hit 100k+ on a monster after hitting it for 4, 5 minutes. Anyway, about me. My name is Herman, I'm 16 years old, Dutch. Love to exercise and do power training ect. Just signed up for military service; only waiting for my parents to sign their part in that so I have to do something whilst spending the time - beside staying in school until I get accepted.
I have played hundreds of games, owned a few (private servers) myself and developed for a few games as well. Managed a few communities. I code in HTML and basic PHP, also have done a few shit in C++ and C#, but that was two years ago. I've played FlyFF US since 2005, and quitted playing in March 2008. It got too boring.
Well, perhaps I'll see a glimp of you people when laggin' around ;]
EDIT; WTF EPIC, my character just changed to a female one. Lolwut?
EDIT 2; My gender got changed back, now I lost like 10m buying an Akan set, when male again so I cannot wear it anymore. Great.