Yes, yes.. It's me, i know.. Now get on your knees fools :< My real name is Will
I'm 17..
I'm a tad emo.. ;o
Um.. Most of you will know me from the chat, or online.
I'm a bit of a douche at times, but hey, no ones perfect :P
I'm looking to become a mod on the chat.. I feel i'm pretty helpful, but no one seems to ask.. Cuz i'm not a mod.. Every ones all like.. "Oh Kaka, save us.. D:" Stupid Kaka, stealin my spotlight.. >: BISH!
Anyway.. Yeh
Not much to explain really..
Not much to me xD
I'm a funny person once you get to know me i guess, but why would you wonna do that!? Seriously.. I'd just keep away..