Hey, I'm Kronik.
Now, most of you will read this introduction, and think I'm gay, but I'm not. D:
Anywho, I'm not your average normal gurl, and I don't plan on trying to be one.
I'm not on this Earth to please anyone but my own happy little ass.
I've got an aweshum boyfriend named Justin, whom right now is over on a different server being Mr. GM, so I came here, hoping to join your community, because it may prove to be to much being at the same server as my boyfriend.
As I said, I'm weird. So my IGN will either be Scars or Kronik, I can only hope neither of them are taken.
Now I have some questions for you!
1 - Whose the main owner of this server?
1b - Is he also the main coder of the server?
2 - Does he currently have the v14 of Erlyguard?
2b - Does it have packet filtering built in?
3 - What are the rates? Because I don't trust the rates on website's, and I don't want to have to go and look for them on the forums.
4 - So your full operational v14, meaning you have Shaduwars, and Drakkul, completely fixed?
4b - If you don't know what I mean by 'fixed' nevermind.
5 - Greens in the shops? Or are they dropped by monsters?
Now a little about my computer life.
I've been on the computer for many many many years now, and respectively know about everyone in the FlyFF world, eFail & P Server's.
I was a moderator on the original FlyFF, but was demoted due to getting the swine flu. (Geyy.)
I know several programming languages, but find most use in CSS/PHP(Websites) and C++/C#(Programs).
I'm pretty good in Visual, though it doesn't take really any skill.
tl;dr: Hey, I'm Kronik, nice to meet you. ![biggrin](http://s102.ucoz.net/sm/1/biggrin.gif)