hey all
glad to be here. finally a decent flyff pserver... aaaaanyway im Raskae. im not actually japanese but i randomly thought it up and it sounded cool
im actually from the usa but all our names are boring...
im fluent english and if pushed i can reasonably comunicate in french and spanish...
wht else lol. any hey all if the server is ever down here i suggest u try out Rose Online if u havent already
its really fun! i would go to -removed-. its really fun. if u ever want me to show u the ropes on it, my ID is BladesOfAura. if im not on here or doing homework im probably playing that
my sig on here is my Scout (advanced archer) and my Avatar is my Raider (advanced hawker [knuckles and dual swords])
Link removed by Hana . Its not very nice to advertise =p . Thanks for introducing though .