heh heh, i instantly thought of bread loaves when I saw your gun :3 just teasing Well, you definitely proven that you got the female body down. Although that pinky toe scares me XD
Alright alright, for your first time in doing pespective drawing, it wasn't bad. There are people who just don't get it no matter how many times they try, but you did it well. BUT, DUN DUN DUNNN, i did spot some problems.
(This is where you slap you palm to your face and groan louldy)
Both guns lack any persistant angles. If you want to keep them persistant, just use a pespective point as a guide line. Now heres what i'm interpreting literally when looking at the angles:
Your first gun's handle is facing outwards, like, to the right of the gun, lol. And upon closer observation, she has nubs for fingers, (maybe you were going for that :3 just teasing again)
Your 2nd gun's handle is completely broken off. She won't be doing much firing with that, lol.
Ok, so if you don't understand what i'm talking about, I drew it out for you (done is ms paint)
The red and green lines mean that these lines are exactly the same angle. The yellow line leads to the perspective point.
You can practice perspective by just placing a dot some where in the middle of a peice of paper, and start drawing boxes that have angles leading towards the point. Then, when you get tired of drawing that, draw a road and some buildings leading to the point.
Do i have perspective points in my drawing? No. ;p
I've been doing it so long that I can already see the angles in my head.
btw, the example i posted above doesn't mean your guns have to look like boxes. Its just guidelines.