well the pics of my axes are like 3 hours old n i got em to +10 fire +10 water and i lost my dest vigs +9 dems +9 gore +14
the dest was clean but 4/4 16% atack
i lost my stuff on s1 not pk cuz pk is offline, i wasnt lvln or anything i was in flaris and theres nothing saying if u lose ur stuff in s1 u dont get a refund
i was hopin i can get my eq. back idc if its all clean cuz it cost 6m max to up it again but i do need them back
but i REALLY need my jewls back for my other chars
or send me 135m so i can get it all back
Please i wanna get my blade to master
Lost my baby Aibatt too kinda sux only one i have and now they r 100m <<
*Edit* cant post for some reason so im editing i cant have gotten an inv bug cuz i wasnt lvln in flaris pet wasnt out it was a dc and loss of eq this isnt a hoax tio get something because i have before and after pics of having then not having after the dc and i dont like u posting that when u have nothing to do with this you are not a gm junk so please dont answer my post when you have no idea what happend i was talking to grizz like 20 min before th dc when i had my stuff if u need a witness