ok i was making a private server the other day and i need help first of all when i try to log in,on the log in server program and the other it says i got dced-and Nuez_no_GG crashes.
Second of all,i need a patch,and when i try to make one i cant because the patch i want to get should redirect you when u press start,to Nuez_no_GG and i cant make it do that.
Other than that all im asking is how did u make that patch for FFH and how can i make one for my future private server.
P.S. if this is bannable from this game i didn't know and i like this game and i am willing to still play but...
I just need help on the patch because i need one to launch Nuez_no_GG insead of Nuez.exe...
If anyone knows how to take the flyff patch(i already know how to change the pic) and make it run
Nuez_no_GG instead of Nuez.exe...please say how.
And also,i would like to know how other people can connect to my private server without hamachi....
TY, and i hope this works...
And no other people cannot join my private server because people would be better off here,at FFH.