First this anyoing beggar who just didn't stop.
I warned him like 3times T.T I also sayd if he didn't stop trading me I'll report him but after that he just keep on going. Oke about this screen I need to translate what they are saying because they ae talking dutch.
So it's about this Kariminos2 and FemaleBlade.
Starting first line above
Kariminos2 I had this hack with sunstones
Kariminos2 I had 800 of it.
FemaleBlade How.
FemaleBlade Can you still do that.
Kariminos2 I can do this at pk server
Kariminos2 I don't know if I can do it again.
Kariminos2 Come to pk server.
FemaleBlade w8
FemaleBlade You go first I'll come
Kariminos2 Do you know what I got?
FemaleBlade Sec I am coming
Kariminos2 Bloody Wand
Kariminos2 XD
FemaleBlade Can you get me a snowboard suitt?
Kariminos2 But after that ur goin to start play this game right?
FemaleBlade Yes
Kariminos2 W8 I am gonna fix money
Kariminos2 on pk
Kariminos2 pk
FemaleBlade oke saf(don't know what it means but w/e)
Kariminos2 Come pk
I dun know how he get's 800 suns but he can do it again and few hours ago when I saw him again ingame he was showing off about how much money he got T.T
It's all to you Dex^^ I am just giving information;)
and about those uploaded screens: If you can't read it well use ctrl+scroll up with ur mouse so u can zoom in at the page and read it well^^
Here screenies the screenies: