ok i have some pics of a bug abuser. Guy using some type of bug or loop hole to attack and kill somebody multiple times in town pic one is of Zaiko killing eber for the second time actually. i saw eber dead and asked what happened, and Zaiko said he did it..i don't have a screenshot of that though because i logged out to switch server. Second SS should be of Zaiko admitting it is a bug. Then he tried it on me, but im too buff and i blocked it, no SS there though sorry. Then i have another screenshot of me trying to normally PK him, but it saying it is a restricted area..just confirming that PK in town is not allowed, and he did it..at least twice.
Yakuza - Blade101 xYakuza - Strongest Merc Flyff has ever seen
To tell you the truth, this happens in alot of private servers, apparently the database doesn't register the the town as "town" to some accounts. And it allows people to kill inside town. Just sayin, but she didn't relog or anything, so yeah fair ban.