Sorry kiddo. They have a strict policy with regards to "getting items back." Why don't you get reimbursed? They've had false claims from pond scum in the past who lied about wiped items. Well, they were found out and BANNED for the love of god.
I'm sure you're not a bad guy, but this policy is extended towards EVERYONE and no one is an exception (save for GMs who can spawn their own equipment).
Do yourself a favour for the future and save your good stuff in the bank. It's not a retarded thing to do... in fact, it's a pretty damn smart thing to do. With the USER CP buffs, you can still level with non-expensive equipment (my Blade is decked out in +0 Vagrant gear... FUCK yeah).
But if losing those items means the end of the world to you, you're welcome to leave this private server at any time.
Edit: Getting disconnected is NOT a bug. It's a sad fact of life.