It seems that in the first day, the is Bandwidth of the file hoster for the patcher is: 5.0 GB / 5.0 GB
Next bandwidth reset in 29 day(s) So... I'm not quite sure how its maxed out in 1 day and I am working on it atm.
So for the meantime use the sunkist method which is:
Step 1: Make a shortcut of 'mynewneuz'
Step 2: Right click the shortcut mynewneuz and go properites than find target and add 'sunkist' with a space before at the end.
Step 3: It should look something like this "C:\Program Files\Gpotato\Flyff\MyNewNeuz.exe" sunkist
Step 4: Than apply, and double click the shortcut to get ingame.
Sorry guys, please be patient.