Hey People, So the "PK Channel" hasnt got the best of reputations with it wiping everyone, but the good side of it is that that channel is pretty lagless.. I guess the bad outweighs the good though so...
I'v figured out a method where I could Add MORE Channels for leveling and atleast 1 channel for PVP and these channels would be hosted on the same dedicated server meaning no delay in data to the database = A much slimmer chance of being wiped (Same chance as s1). Also, there would be way less lag if everyone was split up across the channels and addtionally if 1 channel gets "Spiked" (Get a conenction error) then you can simply go on another channel and play.
There is a downside however, I would need to create a patcher to start each channel. So for example if you wanted to go Channel 3 you would need to quit the game and start up "FlyForHero Channe 3 Patcher" . This would patch 1 thing in your flyff folder and allow you to access channel 3, however once your running through the "FlyForHero Channel 3 Patcher" you will not be able to connect to the other channels ( You would need to quit flyff and start with a different channel patcher ) .
I dont know if you guys are to lazy to go ahead with that but heh, its better then getting wiped. I would need to fully upgrade the dedicated server so it would be able to run so many channels on the same device, SO I dont want to upgrade and then see no ones actually using the other channels.
I hope I didnt make that to complicated >_>
Leave your thoughts about this idea, if your for or against.