Quote (firebenderjay)
From what i've seen in this thread/forum (or w/e its called) is that everyone likes the site and says its amazing ._.
I dun see where you all get that from x.x
Quote (firebenderjay)
And the HUUUUGE pop-up which shows up on doesn't make the game attractive to new players.
Well... sure its a nuisance... but actually it helps private servers which really have limited exposure gain public interest when people go searching for Fly FF private servers. Votes put servers such as this closer to the top, thus giving people a chance to say "hey this might be a good server"... and that it is recognized by the community who vote on it as a "lovely" server. Sorry you feel its "huge".... but It isn't THAT big. What's so hard about clicking the "do not vote" button anyway? Nuisance? maybe. Unattractive? I don't think so... since other servers *cough musara cough* do the same thing as well....
Quote (firebenderjay)
The main site doesn't look that amazing
I think what matters more is the contents and quality of the server... not its site. The site isn't "supposed" to be amazing. I mean its decent, and it would be nice for it to look more "flashy" I suppose, but it isn't necessary in my opinion.
Quote (firebenderjay)
Ways to remove the ugly pop-up while getting votes will be explained in the suggestion thread.
I think you're more inclined to do something, if it is right in your face.... instead of hiding in a url link or button somewhere on the website. Is it really that bothersome? I certainly don't think so.
Quote (firebenderjay)
it loads slow compared to other private server's websites.
So do many other "comparable" sites. It doesn't seem like a bad thing since we're talking seconds. Now if it took an hour to load a page on a 150KB/s connection... then I think there is some "kind" of problem. Other then that... it isn't a big issue.