Hey guys! I just installed the new temp. Patcher.
I like the idea to put the GameGuard on to prevent hackers.
But I find it quite annoying, if this Programm starts to cry, wenn I just have my I Tunes on.
There comes an Error, named "Game Hack was found", and this Game starts to close down.
Strage manners..
So I am not allowed to listen to my music when I am playing..
Could you have a look to this please?
Cant play without music XD!
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Sincerely , Andi
Added (2008-11-22, 1:05 Pm)
Just a little adding :
I even cant play if my restarted my computer.
All Programms has been closed down, still nothing happens.
Now, the bug does not came to show, but the game is closing anyway.
What is the problem of this, have i done something wrong?
Does someone has the same problem? Or is this just me?
Thanks for answering !
~ Andi