It has come to my attention that there are several people going around pretending to be GMs ingame and on our Xat Chat. The majority of them are pretending to me :/ They will tell you to give them your account details so they can put money in your bank. THIS IS A LIE! Please, DO NOT GIVE them your account name, password, and bank password.
If I EVER ask you for account details, it will only be when you have a legitimate problem - and I will tell you to message my account GodHades on the FORUMS with your account details. NOT ANY OTHER NAME.
If I EVER give money to a player, it is only ingame through trading.
If you partake in ANY transactions, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Screenshot your inventory and bank items so that we may restore any lost items due to hacked accounts.
To clear up the confusion, here are my official names:
In the chat it is [God]Hades
NOT [GodGM]Hades or [GM]Hades or GodHades
My name also has a star by it and the icon is Silver/White.
Ingame, my names are:
CrimsonBlade (I rarely use this account though)
Also, Dex's name ingame is [Admin]Dex
on the Chat it is Dex and his icon is orange.
So once again, PLEASE do not be fooled by these imitators! They are just bored 11 year old kids with nothing better to do.
If your account was hacked, please tell us the name of the fake GM and we will delete all their accounts and IP ban them. We will also return your lost items only if you have a Screenshot of your inventory.
I suggest taking a screen shot of your inventory everyday before you log off.