Bannable Offenses
1. Do not advertise. 2. Do not abuse CAPS LOCK.
3. Do not complain/ask about server status or lag. You can find out on your own.
4. Do not talk about other private servers.
5. Do not beg/ask for anything superficial (i.e. GM positions, CM positions, penya, items, etc.. The owner will decide for himself.).
6. Do not spam (if you're unsure of the definition, Google it).
7. Do not flood the chat with nonsensical bull-crap.
8. Do not spam administrators/moderators with requests/questions in private chat -- state it clearly in the main chat.
9. Treat everyone with respect -- especially towards the administrators and moderators.
10. Please use English in chat at all times. If you're not typing English, we can assume that you're spamming.
11. NO disgusting, offensive or pornographic images or links linking to them.
Insistently breaking any of the above rules can result in the offender being ingnored, ridiculed, warned, kicked and/or banned at the chat administrators'/moderators' discretion.
Mods feel free to update these rules.