Hello, Welcome to Envy! Ive Finally Leveled Envy To level 22 by my self And Im now Open To Recruiting People.
I'm Looking For The Most Active Players Out There.
The Requirements: Very Active Player's Level 1+.
All people in the guild will be treated with Dignity and Respect no matter the age or your level.
Guild Siege: Yes, If we have enough people online at the time of the Siege.
Guild Events: Yes Once a week.
What type of Guild Events? Hide & Seek Person Who finds Me first will win a prize.
What Level Is the Guild? I have leveled Envy To level 22.
Do we have to Donate to guild? No, Only if you want to I have already taken the measures to level the guild.
How do we gain Rank In the guild? You gain rank in guild By Your Role in the guild. If you just stay in guild to have the envy name you will stay a rookie. If you help the guild in any way etc. Level up a guild member By tanking him, not For your own personal Gain but for the gain of the guild, Contributing, Participating in Siege's and more, You Will Make Supporter. To make Captain you need to be able to show me that you can Help me keep track of Supporters And help me acknowledge People for there actions. To make King Pin I have to be able to trust that you can run a guild and not steal pen-ya from the ware house, Be able to Take charge and run Guild Events and Siege In case I cant make it for some reason.
Will we level fast in envy? Yes, I am a level 121 Hero Ring Master And I'm also a tank. Also there are Other High level People in the guild that will Love to help tank for you Tank for you.
Why should I Join Envy And Not Universal? Because In Envy You will be treated as ONE GUILD ONE FAMILY and Universal Has A lot of Inactive Player's.
What Makes Envy Different From All the others? In Envy Every one has a say In all My Discussion Making for the guild. You can freely express your self and not get kicked out because your weird or because your you.
Everyone Was Once level 1 before too. So it don't matter if you hero or level 1 as long as you play on that guy a lot Your in.
Please Leave Ur name Here or PM Me In Game
Rohitmayor level 121 hero RM
Redrum Level 99 Ranger
Duece level 116 Elementor
Puff Level 114 BP
Im usually on Rohitmayor Or Redrum
Guild Member's
Guild Master
Rohitmayor Level 121 Hero Ring-Master
King Pin's
Redrum Level 99 Ranger
Nakita Level 64 Psykeeper
Rmdeathkiller Level 110 Ring-Master
Areann Level 120 Bill-Poster
Oomewoo Level 117 Elementor
Xxxjoanxxx level 71 Bill-Poster