Hello My name is Kelly And im a guy YES My Name is Kelly Dont get any ideas -.-
I love the name since its unique Lol
uh... oh yes...
I just started playing I have a level 60 rm now aiming for level 90
then im gonna stop and become a AoE RM and Harvest penyas by kicking some yetti butts Hehe
I do know that your not allowed to pass 2b penya right :O?
I love FFH its really fun easy to download and other sutff thats easy about the game...
One thing is... Im scared on stepping the PK server since some people said to me that you lose Exp and your ITEMS @.@
Gosh ... never thought of that... Well you'll be seeing me at that server by some time when i reach hero and get my awesome set Hehe
PS: Im scared of blades...
Lol well thats all
Please forgive my english i just got up from sleeping and feelign really drowsy just bored and thought of paying the forum a visit see ya at the game :P
Oh Please give me 100m someone xD?
Added (2009-09-09, 12:09 Pm)
Oh is the server down? I only see 1 server and it says -Normal-
Answer back please