Hi all, This is a bit of a late intro, I've played here a week or so already.
I hail from regular Flyff, Mushpoie server, got irritated with the rates and such (One time I was gaining 0.04 exp per kill, was at around 98% ish, then a giant spawned on my and killed me. This happened 3 times in the same day... That'd irritate even the calmest mind), wanted something faster for a bit. I do still play there occasionally, though. My IGNs are HeroKing (Blade), Lustre (BillPoster), and Arrowbane (Bow Jester).
Haven't spoken to many others in game yet, generally keep myself to myself. However, everyone I've seen about seems to be interesting and friendly players, so I hope maybe to socialise with some of you ingame in future.
Ciaos for now.