I haven't seen any guides on here, although I know Kaka's making one, but I'm gonna race her ^^. Anyways, I know some people really don't know how to make their psys, and usually don't know how train, fight or what skills to use. Then they complain about how psy sucks. So, I will create a guide for psys. on eFlyff, my Yo Yo Jester was my main, however, my favorite class was the psykeeper. I went satanology on my friend's character, and on mine, I went Crucio first, then AoE. And let me tell you, AoE psy is VERY fun. So, I decided that I had a bit of knowledge on psys, so I'll be writing this guide.
1.) Mage to Psykeeper.
2.) Builds
3.) Skills
4.) Equips
5.) Pros and Cons
6.) Leveling tips
7.) Dedication
8.) Credits
-----------------------------Section 1: Mage to Psykeeper!
Ok. This is fairly easy. Full strength from level 15-60. Yes. No, not full int, full strength. Why? Because whacking monsters is faster than spells in this level range. Train at bangs until lvl 30, head over to Coral Island, get to lvl 60, job change, then train at Tower. I won't go through the steps for getting into these places, as you should already know, or have read a guide.
-----------------------------Section 2: Builds!
Satanology Psykeeper
Stats -
Str: 15
Dex: 15
Sta: 15
Int: All of it.
This build uses the skill Satanology to its fullest extent, freezing the monster in place, then you Spirit Bomb it to death. You will barely die, as the monster is always frozen, and if an aggro starts attacking you, simply do a hit n' float.
Crucio Psykeeper
Stats -
Str: 15
Dex: 15
Sta: All of it
Int: 15
I'm seriously serious ^^. Crucio will reflect 200%, or 2 times the damage back to the monster, so if you get hit 2K damage, you will reflect 4k back. Sweet, eh? So, more stam = the higher level the monster you can fight = more exp.
AoE Psykeeper
Stats -
Str: 15
Dex: 15
Sta: 100-150, unbuffed. I prefer 120
Int: The rest of your points goes here.
This is a typical AoE class. You gather with P. Bomb, because it stuns, then use Maximum Crisis. I know there's this skill called P. Square, right? Well, although it's extremely powerful, it has a cooldown..
-----------------------------Section 3: Skills!
Demonology: This skill has a very quick casting time, and is a tad stronger than P. Bomb. HOWEVER, P. Bomb is better for gathering, and I will explain why below.
Psychic Bomb: This skill IS the best for gathering. Why? Because it stuns. That's it! Stunning, eh? ^^
Crucio: Ah...the skill that reflects 200% damage back to the damager. This is a MUST for Crucio Psykeepers, adn even if you're AoEing, putting this on will help you A LOT, because when you take damage, the monsters will get hit by your AoE Spell/1v1 Spell, AND the Crucio effect. Pwnage, eh?
Satanology: This is the skill that is important for Satan Psykeepers. This skill fixes the monster (one only) in its place, then you can bombard it with skills.
Spirit Bomb: A really, really awesome skill. Bases it's damage on your MP pool. It does massive daamge with full MP, and if you have les than half MP, I believe it starts sucking. Awesome for Satan psys.
Maximum Crisis: The AoE skill AoE psys. will be using. Kinda like ele's Lightning strike. Non-target skill, non-ranged,total destruction..
Psychic Wall: This is a...rarely ussed skill, however, VERY fun. You can use it, then watch monsters literally walk into it, then bounce back. You can also use it on AFK boarders. What I mean is, they're on their flying transports, but they're afk. You walk up to them, cast P. Wall, then they'll bounce back REALLLLY far, and be like WTF when they come back to their PCs.
Psychic Square: This is the other AoE skill. It is ranged, does massive damage, BUT it has a cool down, which really sucks. However there are people who use this skill, mainly for Hit. and Run, but it's a rather...bad aoe skill.
Added (2009-04-27, 4:34 Pm)
Master Skill: Int mastery This skill gives +15 int when maxxed.
Hero Skill: Petrification This skill is purely PvP, where you literally freeze the victim's mouse and keyboard, and their bility to recover HP/MP/FP. Pretty pwnage, but only PvP.
-----------------------------Section 4: Equips!
Crucio/Aoe Psy:
Stam ring + 6 or above
Plugs + 9 or above
Gore + 6 or above
Plugs + 9 or above
Stam ring + 6 or above
Satan/1vs1 Psy
Int. Rings + 6 or above
Demol + 12 or above
Mental Necklace + 6 or above
Demol + 12 or above
Int. Ring + 6 or above
Added (2009-04-27, 4:28 Pm)
Weapons/Shields for 60+
Guardian Wand Lvl 60
DMMT+10%, DEF+30
---The DMMT+10% really helps, and you can use it until the A. Wand if you want more HP, or LGWand for damage, or Bloody Wand. The DMMT means you cast faster, therefore killing faster.
Historic Wand Lvl 75
Int+5, Add MP+125
---This wand is only good for 1v1 psys, as the G.Wand is much better for AoE Psys.
Angel Wand Lvl 90
Add HP+15%, Add MP+15%
---This is REALLY good because for it's HP and MP. The HP is good for tanking, and the MP is good for more casting skills.
Legendary Golden Wand Lvl 105
Add HP+10%, DMMT+15%
---The bad part is that you lose 5% HP, and no more MP help. However, you get more DMMT, and this wand is pretty good to go with the Gynas/Genuin set
Bloody Wand Lvl 120
Int+10, DMMT+15%, Add HP+20%
---More Int, Keeping the DMMT, More HP. What more can you ask for? Best ever. Period.