Lately i've been trying to download and connect to the server and i've been following the "[Guide]How to install the current FlyForHero Properly" forum and i have Vista. I got to the part that i had to change the Neuz File. I downloaded the link that it gave me and started to extract to the " Fly For Hero Client v.3" and this error came up when i was using Win.rar
What Should i do?
Message edited by kurt911 - Monday, 2009-03-23, 4:38 AM
Ok thnx i fimaly got it, but whay hapen to my other Question?
The one at the bottom? Lol. Well, you "got it," so what part did you not get? We can only help if we know what the issue is. Hopefully you "got the rest of it" by now lol =\