ok im sick of ppl coming into chat all the time saying the same thing over and over again, 'is it lagging?' to help stop the spam of that in chat this guide will tell you what to do step by step so even a 2 year old could do it provided they can match the words. THE LONG WAY TO EXPLAIN
alright. this is if you are in the game and it starts to spike if you arnt in game go to part B. if your in game and you either move around but nothing but terrain loads, you cant use anything from your inventory or whatever your hitting doesnt take damage for ATLEAST 40 seconds go to step two. if it does log you in well then there is no lag spike so you are free to leave this forum
if you are NOT in the game and its laging you will know because you will get to character select page, try to accept it and get stuck on connecting. please wait. if this happens for more than 40 seconds go to step two. if it does log you in well then there is no lag spike so you are free to leave this forum
alright so your stuck either unable to deal damage or use things from your inventory. OR your stuck at connecting. please wait. if not re-read step one part A or B at the end.
If you are stuck there. Simply hold down the button on the left hand side of your keyboard that says 'Alt' (its right next to the space bar and the windows key that opens the start bar.) if its not there dont panic. theres another one on the other side of the space bar. so hold that button in and at the top of your keyboard press the button that has F4 on it while Alt is still pressed in. (its right above the number 5 key and next to F3.) CONGRATULATIONS! you have now helped the server stop laging and will be able to re-connect soon.
Just to be on the safe side wait ATLEAST 5 minutes (300 seconds, count them if you want to pass the time) and try again. if it still says connecting. pelase wait at the character select screen repeat this step untill you are in. if you enter you username and password correctly and there is no server or world in the list (that is because the server glitched the reboot and will restart soon) click back and wait 10 minutes(600 seconds) and try again.
this guide is ment to make people laugh and also lets people know what to do and hopefully prevent people from asking the main question in fly for hero chat 'is it lagging?' now everyone can follow this guide to making the server happy and hopefully reduce the time the server lags.
and for those of you who are lazy well maybe im just to lazy and im ending the guide right here but if i did that no one would bother and just ask in chat so here it is in two sentances:
lag spike=alt+f4 then wait 5 minutes(300seconds) and try again.
glitched reboot=click back and wait 10 minutes(600 seconds) and try again.