Well lets start out somewhere
Quote (PhantomXIII)
Heh, for me... I'd hate to die with regrets. I think that we only accept death once we feel fulfilled.
Thats exactly my point... when you die, your dead! done deal. there is no after life, no heaven, no wandering earth as a (sorry) evil phantom..
You cant feel remorse. death = game over...
you might as well acept that at an early age, save you trouble later on.
Quote (PhantomXIII)
'm sure you don't mean senseless raping and killing, right? XD That's not cool.
If thats what takes your fancy... you just have to be able to live with yourself...
Quote (PhantomXIII)
That's a bit of a double standard, but depending on what I want to experience, I'd want to experience it for what it is and when I'm feeling my best (so the experience is even better) XD Being sick and go mountain-climbing? That's silly X3
The length of time spent doing something is irrelevant IF you find fulfillment from it. Then again, one may have to bear with some things if they wish to achieve something greater for the future.
Well one of my points is why look towards the future? you might not be alive to experience it anyways...
Quote (PhantomXIII)
Quote (kakawuh)
how you might ask did i become like this?
well i will write it if i get asked =/
Added (2009-05-12, 1:40 Am)
well since asked. ill try and keep it breif.
and no i do not wish any sort of pitty or anything like it... this is just to give an idea of what made me to well... me =/
as a kid i was never that oh so popular person everybody wanted to hang around with etc
i usually stuck to myself due to being shy and well wierd i guess (thats what i was told)
well being a loner usually lead to people seeing you as an easy target during school etc.
thus i got teased and bullied a lot from upper classmen and well the people in my class still saw me as a wierd kid...
and as any bullied child i tryed to find a way to cope with it. now i couldnt really fight, being quick to reply would only give me a beating,
teachers allways sucked at stopping bullyings... sooo i found 1 thing to do
i started to be what they told me i where: wierd.
well i probably was before but i took it to the extreams andbecame less popular and more of a loner.
but the bullies etc lost interest since i made enough of a fool out of myself
this had the side effect after we all changed to a bigger school as i now had no friends at all... and the bullies here apperently knew their way around kids acting wierd.
so to cope with this and stop myself from allways being sad i decided to shut down emotionally
pros: no emotions = no sadness.
cons: no happyness or anything else either
all i had was bitterness and hate...
though i did end up finding a few friends. the general misfits.
the people that allready then (at this time i was about 14~15) had been doing coke and other types of narcotics.
and they sold out to others
they stole, smoked pot or what ever and when ever.
and none did anything couse they where to scared
thus hanging with these people didnt really help my rep and i ended up ripping the groups apart if they annoyed me.
(all you gotta do is find out who is the leading fractions (mostly the loudest girls in the groupe) then learn what their key belifes is in somethings
and then find one they have oposit opinions on. then maniplulate some topic so it starts to focus on this in class. side against the girl who is teh easyest to tick off. make sure the dicusion gets heated and watch them bash eachother till they cant even be in the same room)
^ i can highly advertice this... was 1 of the few things i enjoyed a lot
eventually i ended changing school to a bording school (shrink suggested it).
and i keept acting like i allways did. the wierd one few people wanted to know...
but due to it being a boring school you will eventually end up talking to people.
they started asking why i was like i am and then suggested i changed myself to try and be more popular.
i tryed this and it ended up making me suicidal like all previous atempt (i know i forgot to mention it but it was important till now since im nearing the conclusion)
this made me think about why i was like i were back then. i concluded that people did seem to like me and well heh =/
and then i started to look around my school to find out what the differance between me and the "cool kids" where.
i ended up finding out that all these "cool kids" acted like the bullies back then, had a crapload of confidence and an IQ under 40...
so i thought how could i change myself so i would still be able to keep people at bay, but get emotions back...
i then found out the if i apointed myself a "god" i would be the best at everything. sure they might say something different but thats was their opinion.
I mean they could be right since i was a god; gods are as far as i knew allways right...
Added (2009-05-12, 1:41 Am)
i meanwhile decided to make myself some ground rules:
1. life must allways be fun. when it stops end it
2. i must allways be proud. once i lose pride in myself life must end
(there where more but i cant remember them all but the all ended with me having to die)
so to make sure i didnt have to commit suicide (i find that pathetic) i would have to follow my rules.
now this didnt make me the least bit more popular. however i felt better so why care.
eventually i ended school and went to (i guess it would resemble college)
it was on a small island and there i found bliss. an island filled with missfits and wierdos like myself.
sure there was the usually popular kids but we outnumbered them for a change and i for once found friends.
and i ended up revicing my idealls
i ended up cincludeing that death is over rated. the only reason i made that the punishment is that its the only consequence in life.
however you dont feel it after your gonne so i trashed my rule list down to the 2 rules i stated.
however getting friends for once gave my confidence a boost thus im as chatty as you see me at this point in time (blame those people)
what does this have to do with me smoking you ask?
nothing and everything.
most posts i expexted to see here was: its gonna kill you, you can die from it etc
and if you read it again i do focus on death quite a bit...
and this is what has made my mind so dark...
wow what a ramble huh ._.
heh and way off topic but i guess thats what this section of the forum is about i guess