Nice setup you got. Very well put together, but i have some suggestions. Ok, first, your website would be competing with all the other image uploading sites. So how in the world would people even find your site and why would they use it? Whats your site got that makes it so special?
From a business perspective, you need a theme. You need to attract a certain group of users. Whos your target audience?
Maybe instead of just uploading images, users can submit flyff themes and custom files. And you can have your website organize them into categories with a Picture, description, and credits. It really all depends on how much coding you know. And thats just one theme out of the infinite possibilities. Do whatever you're into.
Once you start getting page views, set up a donation link. It will help sustain and expand your site if need be. If your site is hosted for free, then you'd just be making a profit. Add one or two advertisments to the side or bottom of the page, and you'll generate profits from the clicks.
Now you have a website that attracts a set base of users, pays for itself, and makes you a profit. This will lead way to expansion and greater profits - process repeat.
If you leave it the way it is, i don't see it going anywhere. But of course, you're not done yet, and this seems to be a work in progress. amirite?
Anywho, i don't have a Business card ;D but you know where to find me.... right here.
You can send me a PM later telling me how awesome I am :3