Hi guys, especially GM´s, Mod´s, etc. etc.
Pls put this into the news, or important stuff forum I just wanted to tell you, that ive written a german language File for the new patcher.
So german players can use it, to play more comfortable.
I´ve had to leave out : "ö ü ä", because when i wrote those letters in the patcher appeared crazy boxes.
Also kann es sein, dass es für euch deutsche ein bisschen anders als sonst aussieht, aber sinngemäß ist es dasselbe.
perhaps its a bit different for the german players, but its the same in the meaning.
I told Senna about this, and she said that i have to post it here.
and now here is it !
! Click --> German Patcher (NEW) Language File <-- Click !
Howto install:
First download the file, and then extract it into your flyforhero folder.
Then Start the HadesFlyff FlyForHero Patcher.
Click Options.
and then click: "Browse Language File"
browse ther german language file and press ok.
accept the following window, and then restart the patcher.
Done !
if you have any questions or other stuff, feel free to mail or PM me.
Greetings BP alias Zelda (Ingame)