First off, may I say Happy Valentines Day To ALL Of You! Since i'm a absoulute SUCKER for Valetines day.
I'm hosting a spiffy screenshot event, then on Valetines day, a Hide and Seek Event.
Anyways Heres The Info For the Screenshot Event!
(If your going to use an NPC I'd use the Dice NPC :3)
Okay, players of Hero! It is your task to create the best picture in Hero you can of Valentines day.
You have until February 14th to edit, crop, and create your picture.
(Post It In The Event Section As [ValeEvent](Title Of Screenshot) in this section)
50% Hero Material, 50% Edit, as usual.
It can be MULTIPLE Screenies (No Limit)!
Or simple screenies of you and your gf/bf enjoying life.
Be Creative Remember, this is for FUN.
Yet, its fun, but you ask yourself, "Wtf Wheres the Prizes." lmao.
The Wonderful Prizes!
1st Place: 99 Sunstones and 99 Moonstones.
2nd Place: 50 Sunstones
3rd Place: 20 Sunstones (And a Pat On The Back =D)
Honerable Mention: 5 Sunstones and a Kiss From MuahTruely. Hehe.
The Pictures Will Be Judged By Me, and Maybe Cakeanator and GodHades (Lmao Right.)
You have until February 14th. Go!
The Hide And Seek Details!!
This is going to be a straight up fun game, and its going to be held by me.
I will be in Darkon, Saint Morning, or Flaris, with a shop open.
First one to find me, gets to pick an items ONE item, (I Will be watching, don't try it. 2=Ban)
Then the next on, until there is none left.
Now I need help deciding what should be in the shops.
I'm only doing Legendary Golden Weapons so vote now. (Pick The Three You Like Most)
From the Staff of Fame(Mostly Me) HAPPY VALEINTINES DAY! =D