Mizznish Age:
Time Zone: Pacific (UTC-8)
Location: Redmond, Oregon
A Few Things about myself:
I am a Friendly Helpful Person with a Good Attitude. I love a good laugh. Im a joker myself a bit. I love the Community on your server. I am a Flyff Addict. I speak Fluent English. I am Mature and Respectful. I would like to say I am Professional but if i get recruited on this server i know if i quit or get kicked i can say i was on this server and ill probably get Instant GM. Beacause they'll know im professional. =P. I've played this server for a while now so i wanna become GM not many people know me but I've played for a while.{I am aware of 100 Post requirment but I just wanna be GM your community seems so nice}
Why should we hire you?:
I think you should hire me because I'm on a lot. I'm a really nice guy. I like the Community on Fly For Hero. I like to Host Events and I am very Helpful. If I get Kicked from GM I wont Flip out and be a retard like all the other n00bs out there. But i Wouldnt do anything to get Kicked! xD
How Much are you active?
Monday: 5:00-7:00 AM then After School 3:00AM-8:00AM {3:00 AM Because my school gets out at 2:55 i have my bike and if i get accepted i can hurry home and 8:00 I have to get off because of my Homework}
Tuesday: Same as Monday
Wednesday: Same as Monday
Thursday:Same as Monday
Friday: 5:00 AM- 8:00 PM
Weekends: All day peaty much!!!
What is your experience as a GM?
3 years as a GM on multiple servers. I was the Nicest and Funnest GM i thought. Maybe not the other GMs but I Still Owned the other GMs. I host Events Examples of types of Events i host: Race Events, Hide and Seek, All out Brawls in Arena. And that is my Experience as GM. Randomness for a Year. I left recently to come here.
No reason i left just this server sounded more fun.
What is your experience in-game:
I have played flyff for 7 years 4 years on regular. I am a Flyff addict. I know Alot about why pservers wont let people logon For Example. I've Played flyff since the Closed-Beta in Korea. Yes yes I did. V1-V14 now I'm Teh Pwnage. {***Notice:You Can Trust Me***}
What do you think you can bring to Fly For Hero in-game:
More Fun and help to people in need. I can Constantly Host Events and Help people in need. Reason for Events: Events=Rewards=People wanting to play more Therefor Events+Rewards=Good Server. The server is preaty much is awesome besides not enough events. So ya i wanna be GM to help you guys make more events and help more people.
Reason I need to help people: THATS WHAT IM SIGNING UP FOR MAINLY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
How well do you work with people:
I work Very Well With people. I am very nice Person i am very helpful so. You can trust me very well to not screw up this chance. I just wont this is like the best server out there and i will become very popular if i am GM on your server and I'm not planning on leaving this server anytime soon!!! Im hoping to become a GM and Work very well with people.
Have you worked as a GM for any other private servers?:
Yes, I have in fact I have.
Do you know any of the staff:
No, I don't.
Sincerly, Mizznish A.K.A RetardedNinja