Well since this is my first suggestion and all, I'll try and keep it short What I'm trying to sugggest here is putting up an event where players can collect Mystery Boxes that drops from monsters when they're out there leveling.
This event can help the new players when they're starting out to have a chance of getting a rare and good item and help out the rest of the players generally.
A list for the prize suggestions that can be obtained when opening the boxes could be the following:
- Taeguk Cloak
- Gaia Cape
- Baby Aibatt (7 days)
- 3 Sunstones
- 3 Moonstones
- Aibatt Transy
- Giant Aibatt Transy
- Lawolf Transy
- Giant Lawolf Transy
- Luia Transy
- No Disguise Transy
- 5 Gold Pills
The prize suggestions can be changed accordingly, but the prize that I suggested in the list so far doesn't seem to be overpowered or imbalanced at all.
Productive suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated, thanks.