hey! just had an idea that it would be cool if you guys can implement the perin thing so that it be easy for players to trade when dealing with prices beyond 2 billion penya. thnx if you guys implement it
From my perspective, you are encouraged to spend penya on equips/upgrading, etc..
Why? With a maximum limit to store around 2 billion penya in your bank and inventory respectively, you're not expected to horde that much money for any extended period of time.
From my perspective, you are encouraged to spend penya on equips/upgrading, etc..
Why? With a maximum limit to store around 2 billion penya in your bank and inventory respectively, you're not expected to horde that much money for any extended period of time.
Spend, spend, spend! >_^
That's a good point. I almost never seem to keep more then 1 billion myself since I always find something I want to upgrade or buy to further my "perfection" (chuckles). Anyways, I think we are fine without perins, those coins were ugly anyway .
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