Hey guys!! we are working on a new patcher, but we have to make it our own!What do you need to do?Well, I do all the work. You just need to get photoshop out!! Edit the listed images and the ICON and be better than the others!
What do you get?Well, if you win you get 2,000 Donation Points and 10 Upgrade points. And if everyone LOVES your entry and it is past good and deemed awesome, there may be some bonus items in it for you!!!
How do you submit it?Well there a a few items, so to make it easy please make it into a .zip if you can. If you ask me i can provide a way to upload it someone, just name the file with your username and forum name, don't worry, only i will be able to see the uploaded files so your username will be safe.
Your .zip should look like this if you submit it to my se
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